This page shares the books that I have read, am reading or wish to read. Most of the books are in Chinese, so the content below are mostly in Chinese only.
- Computer Technology
- History/Politics
- 徐中約 - 中國近代史 (下冊)
- 徐賁 - 暴政史: 二十世紀的權力與民眾
- Fiction
- 衛斯理 - 大廈 (舊封面)
- 衛斯理 - 鑽石花 (舊封面)
- 金庸 - 射雕英雄傳
- 金庸 - 倚天屠龍記
- George Orwell - 1984
- George Orwell 著 / 劉紹銘 譯 - 一九八四
- Language